
NetApp Keystone

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Free up Cash Flow and Boost Financial Flexibility with Payment, Subscription, and
Usage-based Services

As businesses continue to face increased pressure to prioritize transformation and innovation while reducing risk and CapEx spend, IT teams need more flexibility in how they run and pay for their data services. With NetApp Keystone, Opt Tech can help you achieve operational and financial flexibility with cloud storage services that span on premises and in the cloud, with less cash up front.

NetApp Keystone is a portfolio of payment solutions and storage-as-a-service offerings for hybrid cloud environments that offers capital expenditures (CAPEX) alternatives for your storage infrastructure.  A bridge that connects the pillars of your hybrid cloud strategy, NetApp Keystone helps you better align cost with usage, achieve inherently more flexibility, support scalability, and avoid overbuying and overprovisioning.

Opt Tech offers the following NetApp Keystone Services:

  • Flex Pay: Choose from a range of payment options, including creative financing, leasing, and fixed or variable solutions, to fit your cash flow.
  • Flex Subscription: Get a cloud-like experience on premises with connectivity to the cloud—all on your terms—with NetApp’s Keystone pay-as-you-grow subscription-based service. Simplify the way you acquire, consume, and operate across your hybrid multi-cloud environment
  • Flex Utility: A true utility service that aligns costs with actual usage, Flex Utility offers one subscription for on-premises and cloud services, so you can easily scale across any cloud.

Operate, Manage, And Pay For Your Storage Differently

Get the experience of the cloud wherever you want to use it with the flexibility to mix and match purchases and subscription payment methods with NetApp Keystone from Opt Tech.


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